Women's Initiative for Supply chain Excellence *
in humanitarian logistics
WISE was formed in 2006 in response to the Indian Ocean tsunami out of concern that many of the relief supplies lacked gender sensitivity and women's hygiene was either poorly handled or over looked. It was led by Pamela Steele with support from an advisory group drawn mainly from the
humanitarian supply chain industry.
“This sort of leadership by women
is much needed. It will help change
the face and effectiveness of
humanitarian efforts for good.”
Jasmine Whitbread
Chief Executive, Save the Children UK
The group concluded
that humanitarian programmes need a diverse workforce, including both men and
women, to fully comprehend the varying needs and aspirations of the
beneficiaries they serve. The group hoped that WISE would play a valuable role in supporting female
humanitarian logisticians who felt isolated within the sector and encourage others into the profession.
SInce then, WISE has inspired research into gender and humanitarian logistics and published a booklet of inspirational stories of men and women in the sector. Both the research and the booklet are freely available for download from this site.
“For far too long women have been
under represented in logistics.
Their leadership will make a huge
difference to post disaster rehabilitation
and empowerment of women's lives
and livelihoods.”
Barbara Stocking,
Director, Oxfam GB
Today, WISE continues as an informal professional networking group on LinkedIn with members of both genders from the humanitarian, private and academic sectors. Pamela Steele can be contacted by email.
* formerly 'Women's Institute for Supply chain Excellence'